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November 2022 Volume 7

Mitzi's Message: Vote For Women's Health!
Earlier this year, the Supreme Court made a stunning decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, the landmark legislation that guaranteed a woman’s right to abortion in the United States that was signed into law back in 1973. The immediate impacts of this overturn are far-reaching and the full impact is still to be seen. There is no better example of the profound effect of policy decisions and legislation on women's health and well-being.
We recently hosted a webinar titled “Putting Women’s Health on the Ballot”. The panelists discussed the broad range of impacts that legislation can have on women’s health and medicine as a whole. The issues are pervasive, from burnout, equity in the workplace, insurance coverage, to decisions about research funding and support for innovation. The list of policy decisions is never ending when it comes to improving women’s health. For these reasons, the panelists urged people to not just vote on federal issues and elections and stressed the importance of local and state elections, particularly for healthcare issues.
I encourage you to view the webinar or take a listen to the podcasts we created from the event. You can find resources on how to vote and information about the issues on our website, including a “Women’s Health Candidate Checklist” so you can evaluate the candidate’s views on those issues that are most important to you.
The stakes couldn’t be higher and the time is NOW. Will you vote to improve the health of women? I hope so!

Featured Podcast: Influencing Policy to Improve Women's Health
Liz Powell, Esq., MPH, the Founder and President of G2G Consulting and a former legislative director on Capitol Hill, joins Dr. Krockover for a conversation about policy and legislation surrounding women's healthcare. Powell shares her experience raising government funding and crafting policy changes for healthcare issues. You'll also hear insights from Powell on the gaps in women's research, barriers to innovation, and tips on advocating for change.

Featured Podcast: Is Women's Health Censored?
We invited Jackie Rotman, Founder and CEO of the Center for Intimacy Justice, to talk about her organization's efforts to allow more information and expression about women's sexual health and wellness. We discuss why you may be missing ads for women's health products and what the Center is doing to shine a light on this issue and fight this censorship.

Featured Podcast: Women's Health Is on the Ballot
During this episode, Dr. Krockover gives a preview of the issues on the ballot that impact women’s health ahead of the midterm election. These issues stretch much farther than reproductive rights and include policies that impact research, innovation, and access to care. Hear why these issues matter so you can make an informed vote this November.

Featured Podcast: Sex, Hormones, and Genes: Surprising New Research
Hear from Erica Ollmann Saphire, PhD, President and CEO of the La Jolla Institute for Immunology, about how genes play a leading role in the differences in male and female health issues and how uncovering these sex differences can lead to new and more effective ways of diagnosing and treating disease. We also talk about the role of policy in including women in scientific trials and the funding of women's health research and its effect women's health and well-being.

Women's Health Candidate Checklist
Beyond the Paper Gown has created a Candidate Checklist as a quick and easy resource to help you make an informed vote. The checklist covers the following:
Clinical Care
Reproductive Health Rights and Justice
Women’s Health Research
Social and Environmental Factors

Webinar: Putting Women's Health on the Ballot
Catch the replay as we discuss the many ways that women's health is affected by policy decisions and why your vote matters. We talked about funding for women's health research, access to care, health insurance coverage, support for innovation, violence against women and more. You'll also learn about how to make your voice heard at the ballot box and beyond.

Webinar: Aftershocks: Unexpected Consequences of the Roe v Wade Decision
In the wake of the SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v Wade, there is tremendous concern about reproductive health rights. What might not be so evident is the potential impact on wider-ranging rights, the overall health of women, privacy, and even business and investment. We invited a panel of experts to discuss the unpredicted consequences of this momentous decision.
This webinar highlighted four areas of such consequences and the implications for:
Individual Rights
Benefits, Business, and Investment
Panelists addressed the key issues in each of these four areas as well as provide resources and ways you can take action.
If you have an event you would like to share with the
Beyond the Paper Gown community, email us at info@womancenterd.com.

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Quotable Women
“You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it yourself.”
- Glenda to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz