Minisode - Mindfulness Meditation for Relaxation
Teri Pipe, Ph.D, RN
In today’s episode, we welcome Dr. Teri Pipe, a Professor and Dean Emerita of the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, where she served as Dean from 2011-to 2018 and as ASU Chief Well-Being Officer from 2017-to 2021. Teri is the Founding Director of ASU’s Center for Mindfulness, Compassion, and Resilience. Prior to ASU, Dr. Pipe served as Mayo Clinic Arizona’s Director of Nursing Research and Innovation for 11 years. She loves spending time in nature and exploring ways of bringing compassion and well-being more fully into our world. Dr. Pipe was selected as a Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellow in 2014 and currently serves on the NurseTrust Board of Directors. Teri is also an expert on mindfulness, a skill set to increase the ability to experience being fully present, focused, and alive. Mindfulness has important implications for resilience within and beyond the healthcare and higher education sectors. Dr. Pipe is an expert on nursing leadership with a focus on interprofessionalism, bringing nurses together with physicians and other health professionals, business people, and policymakers, to help redesign and improve health in the U.S. Her research interests include mindfulness, resilience in professional and clinical populations, health promotion and wellness, positive coping and stress management, oncology, and gerontology. She is a sought-after speaker on the topics of mindfulness, workforce resilience, and self-compassion. For more information about this episode and the Beyond The Paper Gown podcast series, please visit Beyond The Paper Gown.